Picture of Joe Collenette
Joe Collenette
PhD Student
Department of Computer Science
University Of Liverpool
Contact information

About Me
I am a PhD student at the University of Liverpool studing Computer Science. My interests include the evolution of co-operation between agents, natural language processing, computational representations of emotions.

My supervisors are Katie Atkinson and Karl Tuyls, with input and advice from Daan Bloembergen. I am currently working on using simulated emotions in prisoner's dilemma games and study the effects of the evolution of co-operation. I am also working on developing a model of mood that can be integrated into more traditional approachs to social dilemmas.

I received my undergraduate degree in computer science in 2015 from the University of Liverpool.

I am currently involved with the University of Liverpool outreach program where we go to schools to inspire primary school children to take up computer based subjects.

I am also involved in the Lego Rovers outreach program where we demonstrate to the public and school children some basic concepts of AI using the Lego EV3 Mindstorms.

