Argumentation and Representation of Knowledge Group

Academic Staff

Prof. Katie Atkinson
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AI and Law, computational models of argument, dialogue games
Dr. Jacopo de Berardinis
Prof. Paul Dunne
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Algorithms and complexity in abstract argumentation formalisms, analysis of argumentation frameworks and semantics via combinatorial paradigms
Dr. Floriana Grasso
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Argument and Computation, Computational Rhetoric, User Modelling
Prof. Boris Konev
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Description logics, ontologies, automated reasoning, temporal logic, specification and verification formalisms, proof complexity, deduction systems, and practical applications of formal methods
Dr. Louwe Kuijer
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Modal logics, especially dynamic epistemic logic
Andrew Roxburgh
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Mobile and web technologies as digital interventions
Dr. Valentina Tamma
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Ontologies in open and distributed environments. AI methods in dynamic knowledge evolution & adaptation. Ontology design, ontology management, semantic integration, ontology evolution, and knowledge acquisition
Prof. Frank Wolter
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Head of Group
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and Logic in Computer Science

Research Staff

Jack Mumford
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intersection of neural networks (subsymbolic) and argumentation semantics (symbolic)