[Liverpool Biocomputation Group]

IPCAT '95 Programme

International Workshop on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues

Liverpool 6th - 8th September 1995

This programme is provisional and subject to some changes. For further details email tissues@csc.liv.ac.uk

Tuesday 5th September

6.00  - 7.00 pm      Registration 

7.00  - 8.00 pm      Welcome Reception 

Wednesday 6th September

9.00  - 9.45 am      Registration

9.45  - 10.00 am     Welcome, announcements etc.

10.00 - 10.30 am     Session 1  -  Cellular Automata Models 

P. Marchal, P. Nussbaum & C Piquet, Centre Suisse d'Electronique, Neuchatel, Switzerland "Genomic Cellular Automata Transposed in Silicon: Experiments in Synthetic Life"

10.30 - 11.00 am     Coffee, Posters and Book Displays 

11.00 - 12.30 pm     Session 2  -  Morphogenesis

T. Hofer & P.K. Maini, Univ. Oxford,UK "Interplay of Cell-Cell Signalling and Multicellular Morphogenesis during Dictyostelium Aggregation"

N. Jakobi, Univ. Sussex, UK "Harnessing Morphogenesis"

M. Lantin & F.D. Fracchia, Simon Fraser Univ., Canada "Generalised Context Sensitive Cell Systems"

12.30 - 2.00 pm      Lunch, Posters and Book Displays 

2.00  - 3.30 pm      Session 3  -  Parallel Symposia

Track 1  -  Neural Systems 

M. Bogdan, A. Babanine, J. Kanieki & W. Rosenstiel, Univ. Tubingen, Germany "Nerve Signal Processing using Artificial Neural Nets"

K. Gurney, Brunel Univ., UK "Toward a Theory of Neural-Processing Complexity"

Panel Session

Track 2  -  Non-linear Physiology 

M.R. Boyett, A.V. Holden & H. Zhang, Univ. Leeds UK "Reconstruction of Excitable Tissue Physiology"

T.R.Chay, Univ. Pittsburg, USA. "Elucidation of the roles of Ion Channels in Cardiac Arrhythmias by a Bifurcation Analysis Approach"

Panel Session

Track 3  -  Cellular Information Processing 

R. Cuthbertson, Univ. Liverpool, UK "Oscillations, Positive Feedback and the Flow of Biological Information"

P. Hartmann, T.H. Darmstadt, Germany "Models of Information Processing in Inhomogeneous Cellular Structures"

Panel Session

3.30 - 4.00 pm    Tea, Posters and Book Displays 

4.00 - 6.00 pm    Session 4  -  Reaction Models and Metabolism

D.E. Cook & J.E. Hunt, Univ. Wales (Aberystwyth), UK "Modelling Photosynthesis Using a Qualitative Reasoning System for Plants"

P. Mendes, P. Marmillot, J-F Hevvagault, GR Welch Univ. Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, etc "Long Range Metabolic Signalling in Heterogeneous Catalytic Systems"

S. Schuster, C. Hilgetag, J. Woods & D.A. Fell, Humboldt Univ., Berlin, Germany, Univ. Newcastle, Oxford Brookes Univ., UK "Elementary Modes of Functioning in Biochemical Reaction Networks. Aspects of Interpretation and Application"

A.Bell & M.Holcombe, Univ. Sheffield, UK, "Computational models of cellular processing"

6.00 - 8.00 pm     Social/Tourist Event

8.00 pm            Dinner

Thursday 7th September

8.30 - 10.30 am    Session 5  -  Cellular Signalling and Calmodulin 

T. Igarashi, Y Nadaoka & T. Kaminum, Nat. Inst Heath Services, Tokyo, Japan "A Data and Knowledge Base for Cell Signalling Networks"

R Kotter, D. Schirok & K. Zilles, Heinricht Hesse Univ., Dusseldorf, Germany "Concerted Regulation of Cyclic AMP by Calmodulin/Calcium Complex and Dopamine: A Kinetic Modelling Approach"

J. Nauroschat & U. an dar Heiden, Univ. Witten/Herdecke, Germany "A Mathematical Model of Transmembrane Signalling via G-Proteins"

H. Okamoto & K. Ichikawa, Fuji-Xerox "A Role of Ca2+/Calmodulin - Dependent Protein Kinase II in the Induction of Long-Term Potentiation"

10.30 - 11.00 am   Coffee, Posters and Book Displays

11.00 - 12.30 pm   Session 6  -  Dynamical Models and Networks I

K. Swann, A. James & M Reece, Univ. College, London, UK "A Dynamic Model of the Distributed Interaction of Intercellular Signals"

F.A. Bignone, Univ. Firenze, Italy "Models for Gene-Network Dynamics"

S Iyengar, Univ. Pittsburgh, USA "Parameter Estimation for a Diffusion Approximation to Stein's Model"

12.30 - 2.00 pm   Lunch, Posters and Book Displays

2.00 - 3.30 pm    Session 7  -  Enzymes

M. Weininger & H.A. Smith, Florida Agric. & Mech. Univ., USA "Pattern Formation in an Allosteric Enzymatic Reactions: Effects of Enzyme Hetergeneity"

P.C. Marijua'n, Univ. Saragosa, Spain "The cell as a problem-solving `engine'"

R.Paton, G. Staniford & G. Kendall, Univ. Liverpool, UK. "Specifying Logical Agents in Cellular Hierarchies"

3.30 - 4.00 pm    Tea, Posters and Book Displays

4.00 - 6.00 pm    Session 8  -  Parallel Symposia

Track 1  -  Neuronal Models and Systems

M. Okamoto, K. Tanaka, Y. Maki & S. Yoshida, Kyushu Inst. Tech., Japan "Information Processing of a Neural Network System Composed of `Biochemical Neurons'"

A.V. Rossokhin & L.E. Tsitolovsky, Brain Research Inst., Moscow, Russia "Biophysical Model of a Neuron. Numerical Investigations of the Information Properties of the Model"

Panel Sessions

Track 2  -  Non-linear Physiology and Bioenergetics

J.P.A. Foweraker & D Brown, Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK "The Effects of Random Variation in Stimulation Timing and Magnitude on Excitable and Oscillatory Forms of a Luteinizing Hormone Pulse Generator Model"

E.A. Stephens, D. Brown, G. Leng & R.G. Smith, Babraham Inst., Cambridge, UK "A Model of Pituitary Release of Growth Hormone"

Panel Session

Track 3  -  Cellular Information Processing

U.D. Barseghyan, V.G. Vapradian & A.R. Sarhiryan, "Some Aspects of Information Processing by Rubrospinal Neuron of Red Nucleus"

K. Javorszky, Vienna, Austria "The logic of self-sustaining sampling systems"

D.Alves, Univ. Saragosa, Spain. "Information Processing in Cells: Revisiting the Molecular Automata Hypothesis"

6.00 - 7.00 pm    Social/Tourist Event

7.30 pm           Gala Dinner 

Friday 8th September

8.30 - 10.30 am    Session 9  -  Dynamical Models and Networks II

L.E. Tsitolovsky, Bavr-Ilan Univ., Israel "A Model of Motivation with Chaotic Neuronal Dynamics"

M.J. Hatcher, A.M. Dunn & C. Tofts, Univ. Leeds, Univ. Manchester, UK "The Effect of the Embryonic Bottleneck on Vertical Microparasite Transmission"

H. Bersini, Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium "Frustration in Biological Networks: A source of Diversity and Instability"

E. Chiva & P. Tarroux, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France "Modelling the Emergence of Coregulated Proteins in Biological Regulations Networks"

10.30 - 11.00 am    Coffee, Posters and Book Displays 

11.00 - 12.30 pm    Session 10  -  Cellular Structure and Coherence

M.A.Aon, S.Cortessa & A.Caceres, Univ. Tucuman and Inst. Inv. Medicas, Cordoba, Argentina "Models of Cytoplasmic Structure and Function"

M-W Ho, Open Univ., UK "Bioenergetics, the Coherence of Organisms and Biocommunications"

K. Matsuno, Nagaoka Univ. of Technology, Japan "Cohesive Interaction in Biomolecules and their Organisations as Energy Consumers"

12.30 - 2.00 pm    Lunch, Posters and Book Display 

2.00  - 4.00 pm    Session 11  -  Cell Behaviour and Carcinogenesis

N.R. Smalheiser, Univ. Chicago, USA "Detecting Hidden Stimuli that Regulate Behaviour of Cells and Tissues: a Parametric Approach"

G. Zajicek, Hebrew Univ., Israel "Tissue Automat: An A-Life Form with Feedback"

M. Guillard,R. MarcelPoil, et al, Cancer Imaging, BCCRC, Vancouver, Canada "Multi-Scale Cellular Sociological Analysis"

LD Greller, FL Tobin & G Poste, SmithKline Beecham, USA "Genetic Instability and Progression Interactions in Tumour Dynamics"

3.50 - 4.20 pm    Tea, Posters and Book Displays

4.20 - 5.30 pm    Plenary Session

5.30 pm           Depart

Poster Presentations (Provisional)

Goltsov Alexsey "Selforganisation of surface channels of communication within lipid membranes and mechanisms of protein and ion lateral transport". Institute of Physics and Technology, Prechistenka Str., 13/7, Moscow, 119034, Russia.

Alexander V. Spirov "Zebra Stripped, Radial and Nested Patterns of Expression of Gene Networks in Embryo Rudiments: Discrete Calculations Modelling". I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, 44 Thorez Pr, SanctPetersburg, 194223, Russia.

Geoff Kendall "Towards some Fuzzy Models of Enzymes" Department of Computer Science, The University of Liverpool.

Gennady A. Savostyanov "Symmetry of Spatial Organisation of Epithelia". Russian Academy of Science, 44 Thores av., St. Petersburg 194223. Russia.

C. Kesmir, I. Sondergaard, H. Frisner and H. Frokiaer. "Pattern Completion in Immune Networks: Simulations by a Computer Model Based on Cellular Automata". Department of Biochemistry & Nutrition, Technical University of Denmark, Bld. 224 DK2800 Lyngby, Denmark.

C. Kesmir, I. Sondergaard, and H. Frisner. "The Role of Network Regulation and Anergy in Tolerance to Self." Department of Biochemistry & Nutrition, Technical University of Denmark, Bld. 224 DK2800 Lyngby, Denmark.

Steve Baigent "Modelling the effect of gap junction nonlinearities in cell-cell communication" Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics, University College London London, UK

Dean Jones "Metaphors for Information Flow in Cells" Department of Computer Science, The University of Liverpool

Julian Haffegg, Zhou Yuming, Richard Newton, John Bolton and MaeWan Ho. "Mapping and Modelling the Morphogenetic Field". Bioelectrodynamics Laboratory, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, U.K.

R. H. Newton, J. P. Haffegee and M. W. Ho. "Colour Contrast in Polarised Light Microscopy". Department of Biology, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, U.K.

Yuming Zhou, John Bolton and MaeWan Ho. "Nonlinear Optical Phenomena in Living Systems". Bioelectrodynamics Laboratory, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, U.K.

Pedro Mendes "Simulation of the Dynamics of Metabolic Pathways with a UserFriendly Software Package". Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Wales Aberystwyth, Dyfed, SY23 3DA, U.K.

Sanjay S. Deshpande, Lev Goldfarb and Virenra C. Bhavsar. "Cooperative Cellular Transformation Systems". Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada, E3B 5A3.

Craig Easton & Ray Paton "Simulating an Artificial Tissue" Department of Computer Science, The University of Liverpool

Vladimir Yu. Korda "Gene Oriented Design and Computer Genetics" Dept. of Physics Technology, Kharkov State University, 310077 Kharkov, Ukraine.

Vladimir Ryazansky and Catherine E. Vulfius "Modulation of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Response by Changing Intracellular Calcium in Limnaea Stagnalis Neurones". Dept. of Neurobiology, Pushchino State University, Pushchino, Moscow region, 142292, Russia.

Originally maintained by Mark H. Butler .

Last Modification: 27 May 1997