Economics and Computation Group

Academic Staff

Flavia Alves
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Machine Learning; Data Analysis; Game Theory; Optimisation
Dr. John Fearnley
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Algorithmic game theory, computational complexity, and formal verification
Prof. Martin Gairing
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Head of Group
Algorithmic game theory, efficiency of equilibria, combinatorial optimisation, approximation algorithms. the price of anarchy
Dr. Rasmus Ibsen-jensen
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Game theory, specifically two player zero-sum games, static analysis and evolutionary theoretical biology
Dr. Daniel Kadnikov
Prof. Piotr Krysta
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Combinatorial & continuous optimisation, approximation algorithms, algorithmic mechanism design, algorithmic game theory, graph algorithms, statistical learning theory, randomised algorithms & probabilistic analysis, computational complexity
Prof. Rida Laraki
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Game theory, social choice, economic theory, optimization, learning, and operations research
Prof. Rahul Savani
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Game Theory, Algorithms & Complexity, Machine Learning, Automated Trading, Agent-Based Modelling
Prof Paul Spirakis
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Algorithms , Complexity , Foundations of Distributed Computing and Algorithmic Game Theory
Dr. Konstantinos Tsakalidis
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Algorithms and data structures, particularly with respect to techniques in computational geometry and graph processing
Prof. Dominik Wojtczak
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Probabilistic systems, game theory, coalition games, control theory, verification of embedded systems

Research Staff

Eleni Batziou
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Algorithmic Game Theory; Computational Complexity; Mechanism Design
Sougata Bose
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Games, Automata Theory, Logic and Verification
Joe Jerome
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Reinforcement Learning agents
Soumyajit Paul
Dr. Yongzhou Wang
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Multi-agent learning with game-theoretical approaches, Reinforcement Learning, and their applications in computational finance and cyber security.