Data Mining and Machine Learning Series

High-performance backpropagation

6th October 2021, 11:00 add to calender
Navjot Kukreja


In this talk, I will discuss my work on inverse problems - including how they are similar to training a neural network. Some issues I will discuss here are (parallel) automatic differentiation, and the enormous memory pressure of backpropagation and ways to deal with it (recomputation, lossy compression). The context of this work is Devito ( - a Domain-Specific Language that started as my summer internship project and is now being utilised by the Petroleum industry on Petaflop clusters as well as on cloud platforms. Devito does just-in-time compilation to generate performance-optimised code bespoke to the target hardware.

I will also discuss my future plans involving model-parallel training of GANs for imaging applications, and other potential collaborations involving training of large neural networks under hardware constraints - on clusters, on cloud systems, or on edge devices.
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I am a new Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, with research interests around high-performance computing, domain-specific languages, inverse problems, computational imaging, machine learning, automatic differentiation, lossy compression, and various combinations th