Durham-Liverpool synergy Series

Anonymous Distributed Computing in Dynamic Networks

5th May 2022, 16:00 add to calender
Dariusz Kowalski
Augusta University


Anonymity of autonomous players is one of the classical methods of assuring privacy. It has been studied for decades in the context of feasibility and efficiency in ad hoc networks and other distributed models of computation, and recently also in dynamic networks’ models. In this talk I will present a digest of my recent work on polynomial time anonymous computation in dynamic networks, including the impact of randomness, (temporal) connectivity, networks’ isoperimetric bound and congested environment (i.e., logarithmically bounded messages and local memory) on round complexity of counting and anonymous message exchange. I will also discuss several direct and indirect open research directions arising from this work.

My talk is based on a few relatively recent ICALP and SPAA papers and some new work available on arxiv, which was co-authored by Miguel Mosteiro.
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