Department Seminar Series

Partitions of graphs into chain graphs & co.

27th March 2024, 13:00 add to calenderAshton Lecture Theatre
Dr. Bogdan Alecu
School of Computing, University of Leeds


An undirected simple graph is a {\em chain graph} if it is bipartite, and for each part, the neighbourhoods of the vertices in that part can be ordered linearly with respect to inclusion (or equivalently, if it is bipartite, and does not contain $2K_2$ -- the complement of a chordless cycle on 4 vertices -- as an induced subgraph).

In this talk, we will explore some parameters related to partitioning graphs into chain graphs (and some appropriately defined ``complements''). We will discuss the motivation behind these parameters, which originated in the world of permutation patterns on the one hand, and in the study of well-quasi-orderability under induced subgraphs on the other. We will then go through various results surrounding the parameters, and present several open problems.
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