Department Seminar Series

Temporalizing Ontology-Based Data Access

11th March 2014, 16:00 add to calenderAshton Lecture Theater
Prof. Franz Baader
Faculty of Computer Science
TU Dresden


Ontology-based data access (OBDA) generalizes query answering in databases towards deduction since (i) the fact base is not assumed to contain complete knowledge (i.e., there is no closed world assumption), and (ii) the interpretation of the predicates occurring in the queries is constrained by axioms of an ontology. OBDA has been investigated in detail for the case where the ontology is expressed by an appropriate Description Logic (DL) and the queries are conjunctive queries. Motivated by situation awareness applications, we investigate an extension of OBDA to the temporal case. Basically, the observations of the system yield a finite sequence of time-stamped fact bases and the situations to be recognized are described by a query that uses predicates whose properties are specified by a background ontology. We consider both the case of where the background ontology is define using an expressive DL and where it is defined using an inexpressive DL of the DL-Lite family.
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