Department Seminar Series

Knowledge and action: how should we combine their logics?

1st October 2015, 15:00 add to calenderE2 Lecture Theatre, EEE
Dr Andreas Herzig
Logic, Interaction, Language, and Computation Group (LILaC)
IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier
Toulouse, France


I will present a logic combining knowledge and action that is based on a simple account of action: a dialect of Propositional Dynamic Logic PDL whose atomic programs are assignments of propositional variables to truth values. Its epistemic extension generalises the notion of visibility of a propositional variable by an agent, as proposed by van der Hoek, Wooldridge and colleagues. The model checking, satisfiability and validity problems of the resulting logic are all PSPACE complete. The logic allows to capture in a natural way several concepts that were studied in the literature, including logics of propositional control and epistemic boolean games.
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