Department Seminar Series

Finding core-periphery pairs in networks

14th March 2017, 13:00 add to calenderAshton Lecture Theater
Dr. Naoki Masuda
Department of Engineering Mathematics
University of Bristol
Bristol, BS8 1UB


With a core-periphery structure of networks, core nodes are densely
interconnected, peripheral nodes are connected to core nodes to different
extents, and peripheral nodes are sparsely interconnected. Core-periphery
structure composed of a single core and periphery has been identified for
various networks. However, analogous to the observation that many em-
pirical networks are composed of densely interconnected groups of nodes,
i.e., communities, a network may be better regarded as a collection of
multiple cores and peripheries. We propose a scalable algorithm to detect
multiple non-overlapping groups of core-periphery structure in a network.
We illustrate our algorithm using synthesised and empirical networks. For
example, we find distinct core-periphery pairs with different political lean-
ings in a network of political blogs and separation between international
and domestic subnetworks of airports in some single countries in a world-
wide airport network.
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