Department Seminar Series

The public contents of private signals

30th March 2017, 16:00 add to calenderAshton Lecture Theatre
Dr. Dietmar Berwanger (NOTE the change in time)
Centre Nationnal de la Recherche Scientifique
LSV, Université Paris-Saclay
61, avenue du Président Wilson
94235 CACHAN Cedex, France


One insight from the theory of infinite games is that coordination relies on common information about histories. In games with private monitoring, where players receive a private observation about the outcome of the stage game in every period, coordination tends to become complicated as time proceeds.

In this talk, I will show a construction that separates the observations of players into a public and a private signal. Public signals can be monitored with perfect recall, whereas the recall structure for private signals should be finite. This perspective reveals several classes of games with incomplete or imperfect information for which the synthesis problem for distributed winning strategies becomes solvable.
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