Department Seminar Series

Liverpool's First Computer: the English Electric DEUCE

7th July 2017, 11:00 add to calender6th Floor conference room EEE
Dr. Jeremy Singer
University of Glasgow
School of Computing Science
Glasgow G12 8QQ


Based on an original design by Alan Turing, the Digital
Electronic Universal Computing Engine (DEUCE) was one of
the UK's earliest commercially available computers.
The University of Liverpool bought a DEUCE which was
operational in 1960 - solving equations for seismologists,
crystallographers and aeronautical engineers.

In this talk, I will explain the design of the DEUCE and
describe how to program it. I'll contrast it with modern
day devices, and demonstrate an emulator tool which is
used for university outreach events at Glasgow (yes, we
had a DEUCE as well!)
add to calender (including abstract)