Department Seminar Series

Process Mining: Data Science in Action

7th May 2019, 13:00 add to calenderAshton Lecture Theater
Prof. Irina Lomazova
Faculty of Computer Science
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia


Business process management and analysis are widely used in various spheres of human activity including production, education, healthcare, science, banking, etc. A lot of methods and tools have been proposed to analyze business processes. Process mining is a relatively new and promising research field and technology, which focusses on extracting business process insights from event logs commonly recorded by IT systems and representing their actual behavior.

In this talk, we will speak about the main process mining tasks: process discovery (synthesis of a process model from an event log), conformance checking (matching the real process behavior with a process model) and enhancement (improving the process model based on information from the event log).
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