Verification Series

Verifying Computations without Reexecuting Them

11th January 2018, 14:00 add to calender
Alexei Listsa


I will introduce and overview the area of *verifiable computing* which addresses the verification of
the results of computations after they have been done, perhaps by something/somebody we don't fully trust (e.g. remote, and/or corrupted servers).
For general introduction I will follow largely to [1] , while a bit more technical details will be given for a particular system Pinocchio [2].


1.) Verifying Computations without Reexecuting Them, By Michael Walfish, Andrew J. Blumberg
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 58 No. 2, Pages 74-84 10.1145/2641562

2.) Pinocchio: Nearly Practical Verifiable Computation, By Bryan Parno, Jon Howell, Craig Gentry, Mariana Raykova
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 59 No. 2, Pages 103-112 10.1145/2856449
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