Verification Series
From LTL to rLTL Monitoring: Improved Monitorability through Robust Semantics
31st March 2020, 11:00
Martin Zimmermann
Runtime monitoring is commonly used to detect the violation of desired properties in safety critical cyber-physical systems by observing its executions. Bauer et al. introduced an influential framework for monitoring Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) properties based on a three-valued semantics: the formula is already satisfied by the given prefix, it is already violated, or it is still undetermined, i.e., it can still be satisfied and violated by appropriate extensions. However, a wide range of formulas are not monitorable under this approach, meaning that they have a prefix for which satisfaction and violation
will always remain undetermined no matter how it is extended. In particular, Bauer et al. report that 44% of the formulas they consider in their experiments fall into this category.
Recently, a robust semantics for LTL was introduced to capture different degrees by which a property can be violated. In this paper we introduce a robust semantics for finite strings and show its potential in
monitoring: every formula considered by Bauer et al. is monitorable under our approach. Furthermore, we discuss which properties that come naturally in LTL monitoring - such as the realizability of all truth
values - can be transferred to the robust setting. Lastly, we show that LTL formulas with robust semantics can be monitored by deterministic automata and report on a prototype implementation.
Joint work with Corto Mascle, Daniel Neider, Maximilian Schwenger, Paulo
Tabuada and Alexander Weinert.
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