BCTCS 2021

Regular Talk
Scheduling Parameterized Complexity Algorithms

Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Pinwheel Scheduling

Benjamin Smith

on  Wed, 15:30 ! Live for  30min

The pinwheel scheduling problem asks if it is possible to construct a perpetual schedule for a set of kk tasks of unit length where the maximum gap between repetitions of the same task is limited by an ordered multiset A =a1a2anA  = a_1 \leq a_2 \leq \cdots \leq a_n of constraints, one per task. We demonstrate that pinwheel scheduling is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the parameter kk. We also show that, for any given value of nn, a finite set of schedules can solve \emph{all solvable} pinwheel scheduling instances. We then introduce exhaustive-search algorithms for both pinwheel scheduling instances and partial pinwheel scheduling instances (where only a prefix of AA is known and gaps have to be left in the schedule), and use that to construct the Pareto surfaces over all possible schedules for kk tasks, for k5k \leq 5. These results have implications for the bamboo garden trimming problem (Gąsieniec et al. SOFSEM 2017).

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