Character to String Conversion

It is sometimes desirable to convert a character to a string. We do this using the toString() method contained in the Character class:

String s = instanceOfClassCharacter.Character.toString();

To create an instance of the class character we use the Character constructor:

Charcater(char c);

Some sample code is presented in Table 1 that implements the above together with some appropriate output in Table 2.

// Frans Coenen
// Thursday 6 April 2000
// The University of Liverpool, UK


class Char2String {

    // ------------------- FIELDS ------------------------

    // Create BufferedReader class instance

    static BufferedReader keyboardInput = new 
		BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

    // ------------------ METHODS ------------------------

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        // Input a character and output as a string

        System.out.print("Input a character: ");
        char myChar = (char); 
        // Output the result
        System.out.println("Character is:     '" + myChar + "'");

        // Output the result as a string
        String myString = new Character(myChar).toString();
        System.out.println("String is:        \"" + myChar + "\"");

Table 1: Character to string conversion

$ java Char2String
Input a character: g
Character is:     'g'
String is:        "g"    

Table 2: Sample output

Created and maintained by Frans Coenen. Last updated 02 October 2003