1. Overview

One of Frans Coenen's prime research interests is the application of all forms of IT to the maritime industry. His Ph.D. (gained in 1989) concentrated on the use of KBS techniques to resolve the marine collision avoidance problem. Subsequently he has continued his work in the maritime field broadly categorises his research under the heading of "IT in Marine Navigation". His main spheres of interest under this general heading can be itemised as follows:

Work on ECS provided the foundation for the successful applications of funds to SERC for the dynamic Geographic Knowledge Based Information Systems (dGKBIS) project which commenced in December 1993, and was completed in May 1997. Further work in the area of IT in marine navigation focussing on the amalgamation of Collision Avoidance Advisory Systems (CAAS) and Electronic Chart Systems (ECS) looking to the next generation of such systems was undertaken in 1998. Although an interest remains, this work is now largely "dormant".

2. Published papers

2.1 Refereed journal papers

  1. Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. (1991). Rule Based Algorithms for Geographic Constraints in a Marine KBS. Knowledge Based Systems, Vol 4, No 3, pp157-164.

2.2 Refereed conference papers

  1. Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. (1990). A Real Time KBS in Marine Navigation. In Addis, T.R. and Muir, R.M. (Eds), Research and Development in Expert Systems VII (proceedings ES'90), British Computer Society, London, pp92-103.
  2. Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. (1991). KBS in Marine Collision Avoidance. In Rzevski, G. and Adey, R.A. (Eds), Applications in Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VI, (proceedings AIENG'91), Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp529-539.
  3. Coenen, F.P. and Smeaton, G.P. (1991). A KBS for Marine Collision Avoidance. Proceedings World Congress on Expert Systems (WCES'91), Pergamon Press, New York, pp2574-2581.
  4. Coenen, F.P., Fawcett, S.P.M., Smeaton, G.P. and Bench-Capon, T.J.M. (1992). Electronic Chart Representation and Interaction. In Tjoa, A.M. and Ramos, I. (Eds), Database and Expert Systems Applications, (Proceedings DEXA'92), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, p543.
  5. Smeaton, G.P., Fawcett, S.P.M., Dineley, W.O.D. and Coenen, F.P. (1992). The Use of Interactive Video and Spatial Data in a marine GIS/Electronic Chart. In Digital Mapping and Navigation, Proceedings International Conference of the Royal Institute of Navigation, The Royal Institute of Navigation, London.
  6. Coenen, F.P., Bench-Capon, T.J.M. and Smeaton, G.P. (1993). Representing Visual Conditions in a Legal Knowledge Based System. Proceedings Fourth International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL'93), Amsterdam, ACM Press, New York, pp264-271.

Created and maintained by Frans Coenen. Last updated 04 June 1999