Research activity
The main strand of my research explorations is in the design and analysis of
algorithms for combinatorial problems.
While my research interest is still mainly in CS Theory I am engaging more frequently
in collaboration with industry
and researchers from more applied fields including Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Engineers, and others.
The main directions in my research explorations can be classified as:
- Discrete Algorithms and Structures,
- Parallel and Distributed Computing,
- Network Structures and Communication,
- Search Problems and Methods.
Research papers
For almost complete list of research publications please check my DBLP record.
Edited volumes
- Leszek Gasieniec, Ralf Klasing, and Tomasz Radzik (Eds).
Algorithms for Sensor Systems - 17th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless
Sensor Networks, ALGOSENSORS 2021,
Lisbon, Portugal, September 9–10, 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 12961,
Springer 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-89240-1
- Leszek Gasieniec, Ralf Klasing, and Tomasz Radzik (Eds).
31st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, IWOCA 2020,
Bordeaux, France, June 8-10, 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 12126,
Springer 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-48965-6
- Leszek Gasieniec, Jesper Jansson, and Christos Levcopoulos (Eds).
Fundamentals of Computation Theory - 22nd International Symposium, FCT 2019,
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 12-14, 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 11651,
Springer 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-25026-3
- Marek Chrobak, Antonio Fernández Anta, Leszek Gasieniec, Ralf Klasing (Eds).
Algorithms for Sensor Systems - 12th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments
for Wireless Sensor Networks, ALGOSENSORS 2016,
Aarhus, Denmark, August 25-26, 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 10050,
Springer 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-53057-4
- Prosenjit Bose, Leszek Gasieniec, Kay Römer, and Roger Wattenhofer (Eds).
Algorithms for Sensor Systems - 11th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments
for Wireless Sensor Networks, ALGOSENSORS 2015,
Patras, Greece, September 17-18, 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 9536, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-28471-2
- Leszek Gasieniec, Russell Martin, Frank Wolter and Prudence W.H. Wong (Eds).
Special Issue of Theoretical Computer Science, Fundamentals of Computation Theory
Volume 590,
Pages 1-146 (26 July 2015), Elsevier.
- Leszek Gasieniec, Frank Wolter (Eds).
Fundamentals of Computation Theory - 19th International Symposium, FCT 2013,
Liverpool, UK, August 19-21, 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Volume 8070,
Springer 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-40163-3.
- Steve Alpern, Robbert Fokkink, Leszek Gasieniec, Roy Lindelauf, V.S. Subrahmanian,
Search Theory - A Game Theoretic Perspective,
Springer 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4614-6824-0.
- Paola Flocchini, Leszek Gasieniec (Eds).
Structural Information and Communication Complexity, 13th International Colloquium, SIROCCO 2006,
Chester, UK, July 2-5, 2006, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4056,
Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-35474-3.
Recently funded projects
- The newly founded EEECS initiative Network Science and Technology (NeST) builds on extensive expertise
in Algorithms and Economics.
It takes an application-based view that considers a wide range of modern networks, including, e.g., the Internet and web,
global manufacturing networks, smart power grids, chemical and biological network structures, financial and social networks.
Research leaders: Francesco Falciani (Life Sciences), Leszek Gasieniec (CS), Dariusz Kowalski (CS),
Piotr Krysta (CS), Alan Marshall (EEE) and Paul Spirakis - chair (CS).
- Novel distributed methods with applications,
BBSRC grant
Building the PTM map of the human genome through commensal computing.
Research leaders: Leszek Gasieniec (CS) and Andy Jones (Life Sciences).
- Combinatorial algorithms/structures in Biology,
recent NERC grant
Efficient Biological Networks Discovery and Analysis.
Research leaders: Francesco Falciani (Life Sciences), Leszek Gasieniec (CS), and Olga Vasieva (Life Sciences).
- Network analysis & communication, ongoing collaboration on
social networks data analysis with Dollywagon Ltd
Research leaders: Leszek Gasieniec (CS) and Russell Martin (CS).