GENERAL INFORMATION - Invited speakers
is a professor at the department of Computer Science
at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
Her research interests are distributed and parallel computation.
She received her PhD from the Hebrew University in 1987,
and joined the Technion in 1990, after two years as a post-doctoral
research associate at the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT.
Title: Adapting to Point Contention with Long-Lived Safe Agreement
Abstract: Algorithms with step complexity that depends only on the point contention---the number of simultaneously active processes---are very attractive for distributed systems with varying degree of concurrency. The design of shared-memory algorithms that are adaptive to point contention, using only read and write operations, is a challenging task.
We specify the long-lived safe agreement object, extending an object of Borowsky et al., and present an implementation whose step complexity is adaptive to point contention. Then, we describe how this object is used to solve other problems, like renaming and information collection, in an adaptive manner.
is a professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
at the Wesleyan University.
He received his BSc from University of Toronto
in 1983 and his PhD from Harvard University in 1988, both
degrees in Computer Science. He held positions at the Centruum
voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the University
of Rochester, Rochester, New York and Carleton University in Ottawa,
Canada before coming to Wesleyan University in 1999. His research focus
is the design and analysis of algorithms, especially as applied to
distributed computing and networking.
Mobile Agent Rendezvous: A Survey
Recent results on the problem of mobile agent rendezvous on
distributed networks are surveyed with an emphasis on outlining
the various approaches taken by researchers
in the theoretical computer science community.
is a professor at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical
Engineering, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
He received his doctorate in Computer Science in 1998 from
ETH Zurich, Switzerland. From 1999 to 2001 he was in the USA, first at
Brown University in Providence, RI, then at Microsoft Research in Redmond,
WA. In 2002 he returned to ETH, first as an assistant professor in the
Computer Science Department, since July 2004 as an associate professor at
the Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Department. Roger
Wattenhofer's research interests include a variety of algorithmic and
systems aspects in networking and distributed computing; in particular,
peer-to-peer computing, ad hoc and sensor networking.
Sensor Networks: Distributed Algorithms Reloaded -- or Revolutions?
Sensor networks are an exciting new research area bringing together
researchers with different backgrounds, from networking to distributed
systems, from embedded systems to simulation, from graph theory to
computational geometry, from operating systems to databases. In this talk I
want to motivate the distributed algorithms community to join the big
interdisciplinary party. I will present a few examples of my recent
research. Using these examples I will reason why sensor networks are
distributed algorithms, and why they are not!