

  • Xia Cui and Danushka Bollegala: Self-Adaptation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. In Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP). Varna, Bulgaria. (2019.09) [pdf]
  • 2018

  • Xia Cui, Sadamori Kojaku, Naoki Masuda and Danushka Bollegala: Solving Feature Sparseness in Text Classification using Core-Periphery Decomposition, The Seventh Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), pp. 255-264. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. (2018.06) [pdf]
  • Xia Cui, Noor Al-Bazzaz, Danushka Bollegala and Frans Coenen: A Comparative Study of Pivot Selection Strategies for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification, The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 33, e5, 1-12, 2018. [pdf]
  • 2017

  • Xia Cui, Frans Coenen, and Danushka Bollegala: Effect of Data Imbalance on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Part-of-Speech Tagging and Pivot Selection Strategies, Workshop on Learning With Imbalanced Domains: Theory and Applications (LIDTA) at the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD), in PMLR 74:103-115. Skopje, Macedonia. (2017.09) [pdf]
  • Xia Cui, Frans Coenen, and Danushka Bollegala: TSP: Learning Task-Specific Pivots for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD), pp. 754-771. Skopje, Macedonia. (2017.09) [pdf]
  • Frans A. Oliehoek, Rahul Savani, Elliot Adderton, Xia Cui, David Jackson, Phil Jimmieson, John Christopher Jones, Keith Kennedy, Ben Mason, Adam Plumbley, and Luke Dawson: LiftUpp: Support to Develop Learner Performance. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2017), pp. 553–556. Wuhan, China. (2017.07) [pdf]