PostGraduate Research
Postgraduate Workshop 2014
Wednesday, 30th April, 2014, Ashton Lecture Theatre
Schedule Draft 3
9.15 - 10.55 ECCO/Algorithmics Groups
9.15 - 9.40 Eleftherios Anastasiadis, [sup: Piotr Krysta]
Title: Local Pollution Game
Chair: Giorgos Christodoulou
Feedback: Giorgos Christodoulou, Rahul Savani
9.40 - 10.05 Argyrios Deligkas, [sup: Rahul Savani]
Title: Increasing VCG Revenue by Decreasing the Quality of Items
Chair: Martin Gairing
Feedback: Martin Gairing, Giorgos Christodoulou
10.05 - 10.30 Alkmini Sgouritsa, [sup: Giorgos Christodoulou]
Title: Price of Anarchy for simultaneous item-bidding auctions
Chair: Martin Gairing
Feedback: Martin Gairing, Rahul Savani
10.30 - 10.55 Ashley Farrugia, [sup: Leszek Gasieniec]
Title: Managing uncertain traffic data
Chair: Martin Gairing
Feedback: Martin Gairing, Darek Kowalski, Piotr Krysta
10.55- 11.15 Coffee/Tea Break (provided)
11.15- 12.55 Algorithmics/LoCo Groups
11.15 - 11.40 Mohamed Arikiez [sup: Michele Zito]Title: Load Optimization for residential building in Smart Grid
Chair: [redacted]
Feedback: [redacted], Darek Kowalski, Lin Jiang
11.40 - 12.05 Ana Ozaki Rivera Castillo [sup: Frank Wolter]
Title: Exact Learning Description Logic Ontologies
Chair: Alexei Lisitsa
Feedback: Alexei Lisitsa, Davide Grossi, Valentina Tamma
12.05 - 12.30 Richard Williams [sup: Boris Konev]
Title: Agents and drones: coordinated environment exploration
Chair: Michael Fisher
Feedback: Michael Fisher, Wiebe van der Hoek, Muhammad Khan
12.30 - 12.55 Anshul Gupta [sup: Sven Schewe]
Title: Study of Equilibria in Finite Multi-Player Games
Chair: Alexei Lisitsa
Feedback: Alexei Lisitsa, Martin Gairing, Dominik Wojtczak
12.55-13.30 Lunch (provided in the Ground Floor Common Room)
13.30-15.10 Agents Group
13.30 - 13.55 Agneau Belanyek [sup: Davide Grossi]Title: Representations of Conditional Obligations in Normative Systems
Chair: Valentina Tamma
Feedback: Valentina Tamma, Alexei Lisitsa, Ullrich Hustadt
13.55 - 14.20 David Geleta [sup: Terry Payne]
Title: Reaching ontological consensus amongst agents through
decentralised, collaborative search
Chair: Wiebe van der Hoek
Feedback: Wiebe van der Hoek, Simon Parsons, Ullrich Hustadt
14.20 - 14.45 Latifa Al Abdulkarim [sup: Katie Atkinson]
Title: Analysing Legal Decisions for Structured Argumentation
Chair: Paul Dunne
Feedback: Paul Dunne, Davide Grossi, Floriana Grasso
14.45 - 15.10 Maduka Attamah [sup: Wiebe van
der Hoek]
Title: Knowledge and Gossip
Chair: Boris Konev
Feedback: Boris Konev, Katie Atkinson, Paul Dunne
15.10- 15.30 Coffee/Tea Break (provided)
15.30-16.45 Agents Group
15.30 - 15.55 Esra'a Al-Shdaifat [sup: Frans Coenen]Title: Hierarchical Classification of Data Collections that Feature a Large Number of Class Labels
Chair: Clare Dixon
Feedback: Clare Dixon, Prudence Wong, Katie Atkinson
15.55 - 16.20 Fatima Abdullahi [sup: Frans Coenen]
Title: Identification of Banded Patterns in
N-Dimensional Zero-One Data Space
Chair: Paul Dunne
Feedback: Paul Dunne, Muhammad Khan, Prudence Wong
16.20 - 16.45 Muhammad Tufail [sup: Frans Coenen]
Title: Mining Movement Patterns from Video Data to
Inform Multi Agent Based Simulation
Chair: Sven Schewe
Feedback: Sven Schewe, Darek Kowalski, Muhammad Khan
16.45 Close
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