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  • A. Torrisi, R. Bevan, K. Atkinson, D. Bollegala and F. Coenen (2019): Combining textual and visual information for typed and handwritten text separation in legal documents. In: M. Araszkiewicz, V. Rodriguez-Doncel (editors):Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2019: The Thirty-second Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, pp. 223-228. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 322. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre- print]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon, T. Routen, A.Z. Sanchez, S. Whittle, R. Williams and C. Wolfenden (2019): Realising ANGELIC designs using Logiak. In: M. Araszkiewicz, V. Rodriguez-Doncel (editors): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2019: The Thirty-second Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, pp. 223-228. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 322. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • S. Nofal, K. Atkinson and P.E. Dunne (2019): On checking skeptical and ideal admissibility in abstract argumentation frameworks. Information Processing Letters, Vol. 148, pp. 7-12.

  • Y. Kirchev, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2019): Demonstrating the distinctions between persuasion and deliberation dialogues. In M. Bramer and M. Petridis (editors): The Thirty-ninth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2019), Cambridge, UK, pp. 93-106. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11927. Springer. [PDF pre-print]

  • V. Nanjappan, R. Shi, H-N. Liang, K.K-T. Lau, Y. Yue and K. Atkinson (2019): Towards a taxonomy for in-vehicle interactions using wearable smart textiles: Insights from a user-elicitation study. Multimodal Technologies and Interactions, Vol. 3(2), 33.

  • A. Torrisi, R. Bevan, K. Atkinson, D. Bollegala and F. Coenen (2019): Automated bundle pagination using machine learning. In: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2019), Montreal, Canada, pp. 244-248. ACM Press.

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2019): Reasoning with legal cases: Analogy or rule application?. In: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2019), Montreal, Canada, pp. 12-21. ACM Press.

  • S. Nofal, K. Atkinson, P. E. Dunne and I. Hababeh (2019): A new labelling algorithm for generating preferred extensions of abstract argumentation frameworks. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), Crete, Greece, pp. 340-348.

  • J. Collenette, K. Atkinson, D. Bloembergen and K. Tuyls (2019): Stability of cooperation in societies of emotional and moody agents. In: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE 2019), Newcastle, UK, pp. 467-474, The MIT Press.

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon, S. Whittle, R. Williams and C. Wolfenden (2019): Noise induced hearing loss: Building an application using the ANGELIC methodology. Argument and Computation, Vol. 10(1), pp. 5-22.

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  • G. Pal, G. Li and K. Atkinson (2018): Big data ingestion and lifelong learning architecture. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2018 2018), Seattle, USA, pp. 5420-5423.

  • R. Bevan, A. Torrisi, K. Atkinson, D. Bollegala and F. Coenen (2018): Efficient and effective case reject-accept filtering: a study using machine learning. In M. Palmirani (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2018: The Thirty-first Annual Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, pp. 171-175. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 313. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2018): Lessons from implementing factors with magnitude. In M. Palmirani (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2018: The Thirty-first Annual Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, pp. 11-20. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 313. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2018): Relating the ANGELIC methodology to ASPIC+. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018), Warsaw, Poland. pp. 109-116. [PDF pre-print]

  • J. Collenette, K. Atkinson, D. Bloembergen and K. Tuyls (2018): On the role of mobility and interaction topologies in social dilemmas. In: Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE 2018), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 477-484, The MIT Press. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. D. Ashley, K. Atkinson, L. K. Branting, E. Francesconi, M. Grabmair, M. Lauritsen, V. R. Walker, A. Z. Wyner (2018): Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Texts co-located with the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2017), London, UK, June 16, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2143, 2018.

  • A. Mandya, D. Bollegala, F. Coenen and K. Atkinson (2018): A dataset for inter-sentence relation extraction using distant supervision. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Languages, Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan.

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2018): Taking account of the actions of others in value-based reasoning. Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 254, pp. 1-20.

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  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon, S. Whittle, R. Williams and C. Wolfenden (2017): Noise induced hearing loss: An application of the ANGELIC methodology. In A. Wyner (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2017: The Thirtieth Annual Conference, Luxembourg, pp. 79-88. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 302. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2017): Dimensions and values for legal CBR. In A. Wyner (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2017: The Thirtieth Annual Conference, Luxembourg, pp. 27-32. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 302. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • J. Collenette, K. Atkinson, D. Bloembergen and K. Tuyls (2017): Environmental effects on simulated emotional and moody agents. The Knowledge Engineering Review. Vol 32, In press.

  • J. Collenette, K. Atkinson, D. Bloembergen and K. Tuyls (2017): Mood modelling within reinforcement learning. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2017), Lyon, France, pp. 106-113. [PDF pre-print]

  • A. Mandya, D. Bollegala, F. Coenen and K. Atkinson (2017): Frame-based semantic patterns for relation extraction. In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2017), Yangon, Myanmar. [PDF pre-print]

  • M. Garcia-Constantino, K. Atkinson, D. Bollegala, K. Chapman, F. Coenen, C. Roberts and K. Robson (2017): CLIEL: Context-based information extraction from commercial law documents. In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2017), London, UK. pp. 79 - 88. ACM Press. [PDF pre-print]

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson, S. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2017): Angelic environment: demonstration. In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2017), London, UK. pp. 267 - 268. ACM Press. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson, P. Baroni, M. Giacomin, A. Hunter, H. Prakken, C. Reed, G. Simari, M. Thimm, and S. Villata (2017): Towards artificial argumentation, AI Magazine. Vol. 38(3), pp. 25-36.

  • A. Mandya, D. Bollegala, F. Coenen and K. Atkinson (2017): Classifier-based pattern selection approach for relation instance extraction. In: Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2017), Budapest, Hungary. [PDF pre-print]

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  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2016): ANGELIC Secrets: Bridging from factors to facts in US trade secrets. In F. Bex and S. Villata (editors): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2016: The Twenty Ninth Annual Conference, Nice, France, pp. 113-118. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 294. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2016): Statement types in legal argument. In F. Bex and S. Villata (editors): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2016: The Twenty Ninth Annual Conference, Nice, France, pp. 113-118. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 294. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2016): Accommodating change. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Vol 24(4), pp. 409-427.

  • J. Collenette, K. Atkinson, D. Bloembergen and K. Tuyls (2016): Modelling mood in co-operative emotional agents. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS 2016), London, UK, pp. 559-572. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2016): States, goals and values: Revisiting practical reasoning. Argument and Computation, Vol. 7(2-3), pp. 135-154.

  • K. Atkinson, F. Cerutti, P. McBurney, S. Parsons, I. Rahwan (2016): Special issue on argumentation in multi-agent systems. Argument and Computation, Vol. 7(2-3), pp. 109-112.

  • S. Nofal, K. Atkinson and P. Dunne (2016): Looking-ahead in backtracking algorithms for abstract argumentation. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. Vol 78, pp. 265-282.

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2016): Argument schemes for reasoning about the actions of others. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), Potsdam, Germany, pp. 71-82. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2016): Value based reasoning and the actions of others. In: Proceedings of the Twenty Second European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 680-688. Runner up for best paper award. [PDF pre-print]

  • J. Collenette, K. Atkinson, D. Bloembergen and K. Tuyls (2016): The effect of mobility and emotion on interactions in multi-agent systems. In: Proceedings of the Eighth European Starting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS 2016), pp. 39-50. [PDF pre-print]

  • L. Dennis, J. Aitken, J. Collenette, E. Cucco, M. Kamali, O. McAree, A. Shaukat, K. Atkinson, Y. Gao, S. Veres and M. Fisher (2016): Agent-based autonomous systems and abstraction engines: Theory meets practice. In: Proceedings of the 17th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems conference (TAROS 2016), Sheffield, UK, pp. 75-86. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and L. Al-Abdulkarim (2016): Computational modelling of practical reasoning using transition diagrams. In: D. Mohammed and M. Lewinski (eds.), Argumentation and Reasoned Action: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Argumentation, Lisbon, 2015. Vol. II, pp. 215-226. College Publications, London.

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2016): Using abstract dialectical frameworks to argue about legal cases. In: D. Mohammed and M. Lewinski (eds.), Argumentation and Reasoned Action: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Argumentation, Lisbon, 2015. Vol. II, pp. 163-180. College Publications, London.

  • J. Collenette, K. Atkinson, D. Bloembergen and K. Tuyls (2016): Mobility effects on the evolution of co-operation in emotional robotic agents. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Adaptive Learning Agents (ALA 2016), in conjunction with AAMAS 2016, Singapore, pp. 114-121. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson, F. Coenen, P. Goddard, T. Payne and L. Riley (2016): nDrites: enabling laboratory resource multi-agent systems. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2016), in conjunction with AAMAS 2016, Singapore, pp. 7-22. [PDF pre-print]

  • L. Riley, K. Atkinson, P. Dunne and T. Payne (2016): A synergy coalition group based dynamic programming algorithm for coalition formation. In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS 2016), Singapore, pp. 588-596. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson, J. G. Conrad, A. Gardner, T. Sichelman (2016): Fifteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2015). AI Magazine, 37(1): 107-108.

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2016): A methodology for designing systems to reason with legal cases using abstract dialectical frameworks. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Vol 24(1), pp. 1-49.

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  • F. Bex, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2014): Arguments as a new perspective on character motive in stories. Literary and Linguistic Computing. Vol. 29(4), pp. 467-487.

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2014): Abstract dialectical frameworks for legal reasoning. In R. Hoekstra (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2014: The Twenty Seventh Annual Conference, Krakow, Poland, pp.61-70. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 271. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • J. Crawford, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2014): Argument-based policy consultation through crowdsourcing. In R. Hoekstra (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems - JURIX 2014: The Twenty Seventh Annual Conference, Krakow, Poland, pp.199-200. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 271. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2014): Support for factor-based argumentation. In S. Parsons, N. Oren, C. Reed and F. Cerutti (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2014, The Scottish Highlands, UK, pp. 447-448. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 266. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson and P. E. Dunne (2014): Properties of random VAFs and implications for efficient algorithms. In S. Parsons, N. Oren, C. Reed and F. Cerutti (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2014, The Scottish Highlands, UK, pp. 261-268. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 266. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2014): Taking the long view: Looking ahead in practical reasoning. In S. Parsons, N. Oren, C. Reed and F. Cerutti (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2014, The Scottish Highlands, UK, pp. 109-120. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 266. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • M. Lloyd-Kelly, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2014): Fostering Co-Operative Behaviour Through Social Intervention. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2014), pp. 578-585.[PDF pre-print]

  • L. Riley, T. Payne, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2014): Distributing coalition value calculations to self-interested agents. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS 2014), pp. 1421-1432.

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2014): States, goals and values: Revisiting practical reasoning. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2014), Paris, France. [PDF pre-print]

  • S. Parsons, K. Atkinson, Z. Li, P. McBurney, E. Sklar, M. Singh, K. Haigh, K. Levitt, and J. Rowe (2014): Argument schemes for reasoning about trust. Argument and Computation. Vol. 5 (2-3), pp. 160-190.

  • S. Nofal, K. Atkinson and P. E. Dunne (2014): Algorithms for argumentation semantics: labeling attacks as a generalization of labeling arguments. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. Vol. 49, pp. 635-668.

  • S. Nofal, K. Atkinson and P. E. Dunne (2014): Algorithms for decision problems in argument systems under preferred semantics. Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 207, pp. 23-51.

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  • K. Atkinson and A. Wyner (2013): The value of values in computational argumentation. In K. Atkinson, H. Prakken and A. Wyner (editors): From Knowledge Representation to Argumentation in AI, Law and Policy Making. A Festschrift in Honour of Trevor Bench-Capon on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, pp. 39-62. College Publications, London. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson, H. Prakken and A. Wyner (editors): From Knowledge Representation to Argumentation in AI, Law and Policy Making. A Festschrift in Honour of Trevor Bench-Capon on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. College Publications, London, 2013.

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon, H. Prakken and A. Wyner (2013): Argumentation schemes for reasoning about factors with dimensions. In K.D. Ashley (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2013: The Twenty Sixth Annual Conference, Bologna, Italy, pp.39-48. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 259. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2013): From oral hearing to opinion in the US supreme court. In K.D. Ashley (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2013: The Twenty Sixth Annual Conference, Bologna, Italy, pp.1-10. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 259. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • F. Grasso, K. Atkinson and P. Jimmieson (2013): In My Shoes - A computer assisted interview for communicating with children about emotions. In: Proceedings of the 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013), pp. 318-323. IEEE Press. [PDF pre-print]

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2013): Dialogues in US supreme court oral hearings. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2013). Accepted for publication, to appear in June 2013. [PDF pre-print]

  • M. Wardeh, A. Wyner, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2013): Argumentation Based Tools for Policy-Making. Demonstration extended abstract in: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2013), Rome, Italy, pp. 249-250.

  • T. Bench-Capon, H. Prakken, A. Wyner and K. Atkinson (2013): Argument schemes for reasoning with legal cases using values. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2013), Rome, Italy, pp. 13-22.

  • R. Medellin-Gasque, K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2013): Strategies for question selection in argumentative dialogues about plans. Argument and Computation. Vol 4(2), pp. 151-179. [Access from publisher's website.]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and D. Walton (2013): Distinctive features of persuasion and deliberation dialogues. Argument and Computation. Vol 4(2), pp. 105-127. [Access from publisher's website.]

  • S. Nofal, P. Dunne and K. Atkinson (2013): Algorithms for acceptance in argument systems. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. (ICAART 2013), pp.34-43.

  • S. Hera, K. Atkinson, V. Botti, F. Grasso, V. Julian and P. McBurney (2013): Research opportunities for argumentation in social networks. Artificial Intelligence Review. Vol 39(1), pp. 39-62.

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  • T. Bench-Capon, M. Araszkiewicz, K. Ashley, K. Atkinson, F. Bex, F. Borges, D. Bourcier, P. Bourgine, J. Conrad, E. Francesconi, T. Gordon, G. Governatori, J. Leidner, D. Lewis, R. Loui, L. McCarty, H. Prakken, F. Schilder, E. Schweighofer, P. Thompson, A. Tyrrell, B. Verheij, D. Walton, A. Wyner (2012): A history of AI and Law in 50 papers: 25 years of the international conference on AI and Law. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Vol 20(3), pp. 215-319.

  • A. Wyner, M. Wardeh, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2012): A model-based critique tool for policy deliberation. In B. Schafer (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2012: The Twenty Fifth Annual Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.167-176. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 250. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • A. Wyner, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Model based critique of policy proposals. In: Electronic Participation - Fourth International Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 7444, pp. 120-131, Springer, Berlin, Germany.

  • S. Chaimontree, K. Atkinson and F. Coenen (2012): A framework for multi-agent based clustering. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Vol 25(3), pp. 425-446.

  • S. Heras, K. Atkinson, F. Grasso, P. McBurney, V. Botti, V. Julian (2012): Research opportunities for argumentation in social networks. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Agreement Technologies, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 264-265.

  • A. Wyner, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Critiquing justifications for action using a semantic model: Demonstration. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider and S. Woltran (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 503-504. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 245. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • S. Parsons, K. Atkinson, K. Haigh, K. Levitt, P. McBurney, J. Rowe and M. Singh (2012): Argument schemes for reasoning about trust. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider and S. Woltran (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 430-441. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 245. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • N. Oren, K. Atkinson and H. Li (2012): Group persuasion through uncertain audience modelling. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider and S. Woltran (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 350-357. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 245. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • R. Medellin-Gasque, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Persuasion strategies for argumentation about plans. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider and S. Woltran (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 334-341. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 245. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • L. Riley, K. Atkinson and T. Payne (2012): A dialogue game for coalition structure generation with self-interested agents. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider and S. Woltran (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 229-236. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 245. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • S. Nofal, P. Dunne and K. Atkinson (2012): Towards experimental algorithms for abstract argumentation. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider and S. Woltran (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 217-228. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 245. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • S. Nofal, P. Dunne and K. Atkinson (2012): On preferred extension enumeration in abstract argumentation. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider and S. Woltran (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 205-216. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 245. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • K. Atkinson, P. Dunne and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Uniform argumentation frameworks. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider and S. Woltran (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 165-176. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 245. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • A. Wyner, J. Schneider, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Semi-automated argumentative analysis of online product reviews. In B. Verheij, S. Szeider and S. Woltran (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 43-50. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 245. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • P. Tolchinsky, S. Modgil, K. Atkinson, P. McBurney and U. Cortés (2012): Deliberation dialogues for reasoning about safety critical actions. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Vol 25(2), pp. 209-259.

  • M. Chapman, G. Tyson, K. Atkinson, M. Luck and P. McBurney (2012): Social networking and information diffusion in automated markets. In: Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis (TADA) and Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce (AMEC), pp. 89-102.

  • M. Lloyd-Kelly, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Developing co-operation through simulated emotional behaviour. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS 2012). [PDF pre-print]

  • A. Wyner, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Towards a formal language for argumentation schemes. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems. (ArgMAS 2012), pp. 203-222.

  • L. Al-Abdulkarim, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2012): A strategy for deliberation exploiting accrual of values. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems. (ArgMAS 2012), pp. 1-19.

  • A. Wyner, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Opinion gathering using a multi-agent systems approach to policy selection. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. (AAMAS 2012), Valencia, Spain, pp. 1171-1172.

  • T. Bench-Capon, K. Atkinson and P. McBurney (2012): Using argumentation to model agent decision making in economic experiments. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Vol 25(1), pp. 183-208.

  • K. Atkinson (guest editor) (2012): Special Issue on Modelling Popov v. Hayashi. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Vol. 20(1).

  • S. Nofal, P. Dunne and K. Atkinson (2012): Towards average case algorithms for abstract argumentation. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. (ICAART 2012). Volume 1, SciTe Press pp.225-30.

  • M. Lloyd-Kelly, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Emotion as an enabler of co-operation. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. (ICAART 2012). Volume 2, SciTe Press pp. 164-9.

  • K. Atkinson, P. Bench-Capon and T. Bench-Capon (2012): Efficiency in persuasion dialogues. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. (ICAART 2012). Volume 2, SciTe Press, pp.23-32.

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  • K. Atkinson (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2011: The Twenty Fourth Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • S. Pulfrey-Taylor, E. Henthorn, K. Atkinson, A. Wyner and T. Bench-Capon (2011): Populating an online consultation tool. In K. Atkinson (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2011: The Twenty Fourth Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria, pp.150-154. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • A. Wyner, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2011): Towards a structured online consultation tool. In: Electronic Participation - Third International Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 6847, pp. 286-297, Springer, Berlin, Germany. [PDF pre-print]

  • L. Riley, K. Atkinson, T. Payne and E. Black (2011): An implemented dialogue system for inquiry and persuasion. In: Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation - First International Workshop, TAFA 2011, Barcelona, Spain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 7132, pp. 67-84, Springer, Berlin, Germany. [PDF pre-print]

  • R. Medellin-Gasque, K. Atkinson, P. McBurney and T. Bench-Capon (2011): Arguments over co-operative plans. In: Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation - First International Workshop, TAFA 2011, Barcelona, Spain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 7132, pp. 50-66, Springer, Berlin, Germany. [PDF pre-print]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon, D. Cartwright and A. Wyner (2011): Semantic models for policy deliberation. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2011), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, pp.81-90. [PDF pre-print]

  • A. Wyner, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2011): Towards formalising argumentation about legal cases. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2011), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, pp.1-10. [PDF pre-print]

  • S. Chaimontree, K. Atkinson and F. Coenen (2011): A multi-agent based approach to clustering: Harnessing the power of agents. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Intraction (ADMI 2011), Taipei, Taiwan. [PDF pre-print]

  • E. Black and K. Atkinson (2011): Choosing persuasive arguments for action. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011), Taipei, Taiwan, pp.905-912. [PDF pre-print]

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  • S. Chaimontree, K. Atkinson and F. Coenen (2010): Best clustering configuration metrics: Towards multiagent based clustering. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2010), Chongqing, China, pp.48-59. [PDF pre-print]

  • S. Chaimontree, K. Atkinson and F. Coenen (2010): Clustering in a multi-agent data mining environment. In: Agents and Data Mining Interaction, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5980, pp. 103-114, Springer, Berlin, Germany. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Intraction (ADMI 2010), Toronto, Canada. [PDF pre-print]

  • S. Heras, K. Atkinson, V.Botti, F. Grasso, V. Julian and P. McBurney (2010): How argumentation can enhance dialogues in social networks. In P. Baroni, F. Cerutti, M. Giacomin and G. Simari (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2010, Desenzano del Garda, Italy, pp. 267-274. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 216. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF pre-print]

  • T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2010): Argumentation schemes: From informal logic to computational models. In C. Reed and C. Tindale (editors): Dialectics, Dialogue and Argumentation: An Examination of Douglas Walton's Theories of Reasoning and Argument, pp. 103-114. College Publications, London. [PDF pre-print]

  • S. Chaimontree, K. Atkinson and F. Coenen (2010): Multi-agent based clustering: Towards generic multi-agent data mining. In: Advances in Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical Aspects., Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 6171, , pp. 115-127, Springer, Berlin, Germany. Proceedings of the Tenth Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2010), Berlin, Germany. [PDF pre-print]

  • D. Walton, K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon, A. Wyner and D. Cartwright (2010): Argumentation in the framework of deliberation dialogue. In C. Bjola and M. Kornprobst (editors): Arguing Global Governance, pp. 210-230. Routledge, London.

  • E. Black and K. Atkinson (2010): Agreeing what to do. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2010), Toronto, Canada, pp. 1-18. [PDF pre-print]

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  • R. Medellin, K. Atkinson and P. McBurney (2009): Model checking command dialogues. In: Proceedings of the 2009 AAAI Fall Symposium on The Uses of Computatonal Argumentation. AAAI Technical Report SS-09-06, AAAI Press, pp. 58-63. [PDF pre-print]

  • T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2009): Action-state semantics for practical reasoning. In: Proceedings of the 2009 AAAI Fall Symposium on The Uses of Computatonal Argumentation. AAAI Technical Report SS-09-06, AAAI Press, pp. 8-13. [PDF pre-print]

  • D. Cartwright and K. Atkinson (2009): Using computational argumentation to support e-participation. IEEE Intelligent Systems. Special Issue on Transforming E-government and E-participation through IT. Vol. 24(5), pp. 42-52.

  • T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2009): Abstract argumentation and values. In: I. Rahwan and G. Simari (editors) Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence. Chapter 3, pp. 45-64. Springer, Berlin, Germany. [PDF pre-print]

  • F. Bex, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2009): Did he jump or was he pushed? Abductive practical reasoning. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Vol. 17(2), pp.79-99. [PDF pre-print]

  • D. Cartwright, K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2009): Supporting argument in e-democracy. In A. Prosser and P. Parycek (editors): Proceedings of the Third Conference on Electronic Democracy (EDEM 2009), Vienna, Austria, pp. 151-160. [PDF pre-print]

  • F. Bex and K. Atkinson (2009): A proposal for evidential reasoning about motives. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2009), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 212-213.

  • E. Black and K. Atkinson (2009): Dialogues that account for different perspectives in collaborative argumentation. In K. S. Decker, J. S. Sichman, C. Sierra and C. Castelfranchi (editors): Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2009), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 867-874. [PDF file]

  • T. Bench-Capon, K. Atkinson and P. McBurney (2009): Altruism and agents: An argumentation based approach to designing agent decision mechanisms. In K. S. Decker, J. S. Sichman, C. Sierra and C. Castelfranchi (editors): Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2009), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 1073-1080. [PDF file]

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  • K. Atkinson (guest editor) (2008): Special Issue on Modelling Legal Cases. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Vol. 16(4), pp.329-402.

  • F. Bex, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2008): Did he jump or was he pushed? Abductive practical reasoning. In E. Francesconi, G. Sartor and D. Tiscornia (editors): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2008: The Twenty First Annual Conference, Florence, Italy, pp. 138-149. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 189. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF file]

  • A. Wyner, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2008): Three senses of "argument". In P. Casanovas, G. Sartor, N. Casellas and R. Rubino (editors): Computable Models of the Law. Languages, Dialogues, Games, Ontologies, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 4884, pp. 146-161, Springer, Berlin, Germany.

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2008): Abstract argumentation scheme frameworks. In: Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems and Applications, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 5253, pp. 220-234, Springer, Berlin, Germany. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International AIMSA Conference, Varna, Bulgaria. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2008): Value-based arguments in the dictator game. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-PREF 2008), Chicago, USA, pp. 1-6. AAAI Press, Technical Report WS-08-09. [PDF file]

  • D. Cartwright and K. Atkinson (2008): Political engagement through tools for argumentation. In P. Besnard, S. Doutre and A. Hunter (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2008, Toulouse, France, pp. 116-127. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 172. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2008): Co-ordination and co-operation in agent systems: social laws and argumentation. In I. Rahwan and P. Moraitis (editors): Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2008), Estoril, Portugal, pp. 58-73. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson, R. Girle, P. McBurney and S. Parsons (2008): Command dialogues. In I. Rahwan and P. Moraitis (editors): Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2008), Estoril, Portugal, pp. 9-23. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2008): Addressing moral problems through practical reasoning. Journal of Applied Logic. Vol. 6(2), pp.135-151. [PDF pre-print]

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  • A. Wyner, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2007): Arguments, values and baseballs: Representation of Popov v. Hayashi. In A. Lodder and L. Mommers (editors): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2007: The Twentieth Annual Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 151-160. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 165. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF file]

  • P. Tolchinsky, K. Atkinson, P. McBurney, S. Modgil and U. Cortés (2007): Agents deliberating over action proposals using the ProCLAIM Model. In: MultiAgent Systems and Applications V, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 4696, pp. 32-41, Springer, Berlin, Germany. Proceedings of the Fifth International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS 2007), Leipzig, Germany. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2007): Practical reasoning as presumptive argumentation using action based alternating transition systems. Artificial Intelligence. Special Issue on Argumentation, edited by P. E. Dunne and T. Bench-Capon. Vol. 171 (10-15), pp. 855-874.

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2007): Action-based alternating transition systems for arguments about action. In: Proceedings of the Twenty Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2007), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 24-29. AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, USA. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2007): Argumentation and standards of proof. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL 2007), Palo Alto, CA, USA, pp. 107-116. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA. [PDF file]

  • A. Wyner, T. Bench-Capon and K. Atkinson (2007): Three senses of "argument". In: Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Argumentation and Non-Monotonic Reasoning, (ArgNMR 2007), Tempe, Arizona, USA, pp.1-16. [Word file]

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  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2006): PARMENIDES: facilitating deliberation in democracies. Artificial Intelligence and Law, Special Issue on eDemocracy, edited by T. van Engers and A. Macintosh. Vol. 14 (4), pp. 261-275. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2006): Zeno revisited: Representation of persuasive argument. In T. van Engers (editor): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2006: The Nineteenth Annual Conference, Paris, France, pp. 1-10. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 152. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2006): Computational representation of practical argument. Knowledge, Rationality and Action, a special section of Synthese Vol. 152 (2), pp. 157-206. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson (2006): Value-based argumentation for democratic decision support. In P. E. Dunne and T. J. M. Bench-Capon (editors): Computational Models of Argument, Proceedings of COMMA 2006, Liverpool, UK, pp. 47-58. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 144. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and S. Modgil (2006): Argumentation for decision support. In S. Bressan, J. Küng and R. Wagner (editors): Database and Expert Systems Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4080, pp. 822-831, Springer, Berlin, Germany. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2006), Krakow, Poland. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson (2006): Computational support for public debate and policy justification. In A. Grönlund, H. Jochen Scholl, K. V. Andersen and M. A. Wimmer (editors): Electronic Government. Communications Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on eGovernment (EGOV 2006), Krakow, Poland, pp. 35-42. Trauner Verlag, Linz, Austria. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2006): Addressing moral problems through practical reasoning. In L. Goble and J-J. Ch. Meyer (editors): Deontic Logic and Artificial Normative Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 4048, , pp. 8-23, Springer, Berlin, Germany. Eighth International Workshop on Deontic Logic in Computer Science (DEON 2006), Utrecht, The Netherlands. [PDF file]

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  • K. Atkinson (2005): What Should We Do?: Computational Representation of Persuasive Argument in Practical Reasoning. PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. [In postscript format (4.65 MB)] [In PDF format (894 KB)]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2005): Why argue? Dialogue types and argumentation in agent interaction. AgentLink Newsletter, AgentLink, November 2005, Issue 19, pp. 12-13.

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2005): Legal case-based reasoning as practical reasoning. Artificial Intelligence and Law. Special Issue on Argumentation in AI and Law, edited by P. E. Dunne and T. Bench-Capon. Vol. 13 (1), pp. 93-131. [PDF file]

  • T. Bench-Capon, K. Atkinson and A. Chorley (2005): Persuasion and value in legal argument. Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 15, pp. 1075-1097. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2005): Theory and practice in AI and Law: A response to Branting. In M. F. Moens and P. Spyns (editors): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems. JURIX 2005: The Eighteenth Annual Conference, pp. 1-12. Brussels, Belgium. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 134. IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2005): Multi-agent argumentation for eDemocracy. In M. P. Gleizes, G. Kaminka, A. Nowé, S. Ossowski, K. Tuyls and K. Verbeeck (editors): Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2005), pp. 35-46. Brussels, Belgium. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2005): Persuasive political argument. In F. Grasso, C. Reed and R. Kibble (editors): Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2005), Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 44-51. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2005): Generating intentions through argumentation. In F. Dignum, V. Dignum, S. Koenig, S. Kraus, M. Singh and M. Wooldridge (editors): Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 1261-1262. ACM Press, New York, USA. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson and T. Bench-Capon (2005): Levels of reasoning with legal cases. In P. E. Dunne and T. Bench-Capon (editors): Proceedings of the ICAIL 2005 Workshop on Argumentation in AI and Law, Bologna, Italy, pp. 1-11. IAAIL Workshop Series, Wolf Legal Publishers, The Netherlands. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2005): Arguing about cases as practical reasoning. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL 2005), Bologna, Italy, pp. 35-44. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2005): A dialogue game protocol for multi-agent argument over proposals for action. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Special issue on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, edited by I. Rahwan. Vol. 11 (2), pp. 153-171. [PDF file]

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  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2004): PARMENIDES: Facilitating democratic debate. In R. Traunmüller (editor): Electronic Government, pp. 313-316. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3183, Springer, Berlin, Germany. Third International Conference on eGovernment (EGOV 2004), Zaragoza, Spain. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2004): Justifying practical reasoning. In F. Grasso, C. Reed and G. Carenini (editors): Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA 2004), Valencia, Spain, pp. 87-90. [PDF file]

  • K. Atkinson, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2004): A dialogue game protocol for multi-agent argument over proposals for action. In I. Rahwan, P. Moraitis and C. Reed (editors): Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 3366, pp.149-161, Springer, Berlin, Germany. First International Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2004), New York, NY, USA. [PDF file]

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  • K. Greenwood, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2003): Structuring dialogue between the people and their representatives. In R. Traunmüller (editor): Electronic Government, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2739, , pp. 55-62 Springer, Berlin, Germany. Second International Conference on eGovernment (EGOV 2003), DEXA 2003, Prague, Czech Republic. [PDF file]

  • K. Greenwood, T. Bench-Capon and P. McBurney (2003): Towards a computational account of persuasion in law. In G. Sartor (editor): Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL 2003), Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 22-31. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA. [PDF file]

Note: the above two papers were published under my previous surname (Greenwood) and all future work will be written under my married name (Atkinson).

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I also have reports and papers available as part of the Department of Computer Science's Technical Report Series.

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